5 things to know about “The Goose”—a local favorite

Reading time: 6 minutes

lone goose saloon
Owner Danny George has some strong ties to Huntsville. (Sarah Gronberg / Hville Blast)

There are lots of local bars near the heart of Huntsville, but there’s one that has continued to be a favorite of locals since 2011.

Lone Goose Saloon, frequently referred to as “The Goose,” is owned by Danny George and Margaret Poole. This bar’s Huntsville roots go deep, and you can feel it in the atmosphere of Lone Goose.

If you’ve ever visited the spot, you know it’s special. Here’s why.

1. Danny George has experience in the industry

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Those names aren’t random, they’re Danny’s last name and Margaret’s maiden name. (Sarah Gronberg / Hville Blast)

Danny George had been thinking about opening a bar for a long time, saying that, “the entertainment industry kind of inspired me.”

That inspiration led he and Margaret Poole to open Furniture Factory. Still an instantly recognizable Huntsville name, Furniture Factory started out as an actual furniture store. George sold furniture imported from near Monterrey, Mexico.

That furniture store evolved into a bar, where people could buy the table that they had a drink at.

After selling the Furniture Factory, George and Poole opened another bar in South Huntsville called Blackwater Hatties.

After Blackwater Hatties, they took a break from the bar business for about a year. But, that break didn’t last too long.

“We took a sabbatical for about a year and I got bored…I’m the kind of person that, I cannot stand to be bored.”

Danny George

After he retired from being a district fire chief with Huntsville Fire and Rescue in 2008, George said he, “just needed something to do.” So, he started building Lone Goose Saloon.

2. It’s still going strong after 12 years

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Something for everyone—everyone over 21, that is. (Sarah Gronberg / Hville Blast)

If you’ve been in Huntsville for a while, you may remember the first location of Lone Goose Saloon on Cleveland Avenue in A.M. Booth’s Lumberyard.

George and Poole started working on that building in the fall of 2010, and opened in March of 2011. After five years of bringing Huntsville good times at that location, the owners of the location were getting ready to take over the building, so George and Poole, “decided to move on.”

When they found the current location at Campus No. 805 on Clinton Avenue, George got to work on building out the new Lone Goose at the new location—but that “new” location was not new to George at all.

3. The Huntsville roots go deep at Lone Goose

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This is one of several paintings that showcase the originality of “The Goose.” (Sarah Gronberg / Hville Blast)

George has strong ties to what is known today as Campus No. 805 and the location of Lone Goose.

Campus No. 805 used to be Butler High School, the school George graduated from at 17 years old. In fact, the location of the stage in Lone Goose is where George had his English class.

“When I was in school, they didn’t even let us chew gum here. Now, I can drink whiskey.”

Danny George

But his connection to the location goes even further than that.

On April 18, 1983, when George was with Huntsville Fire and Rescue, a huge fire started at the school (then Stone Middle School). He was there fighting it, and distinctly remembers the black smoke that filled the halls.

Today, he’s still connected strongly to the same building with Lone Goose Saloon.

4. The atmosphere exudes originality

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Co-founder Margaret Poole painted this bar top with a friend. (Sarah Gronberg / Hville Blast)

Lone Goose Saloon is original in all its facets, including the atmosphere.

Inside, you’ll find wooden furniture—the same kind of furniture that started it all at Furniture Factory. You’ll also find a funky, colorful bar top that Margaret and a friend painted.

George built the adjacent bar top from some special materials.

“The bar top you’re on right now, that was in the original gym. When I was a kid, we played on this bar top right here.”

Danny George

George also built the stage, where local artists add to the originality of the atmosphere.

“I think it’s a great way for local musicians to be able to display their talents and they do a good job down here.”

Margaret Poole

George explained that, when musicians come in to play, they don’t charge a cover charge, because it helps the musicians. “It’s one of our policies,” he said.

Lone Goose has a special connection to music—it’s is where the name comes from. George has been writing lyrics for about 50 years, and one of his songs was about a man who frequented a bar. That bar was his demise—and it was called the Lone Goose Saloon.

5. It’s a spot for good times…and matchmaking

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The good times in this room are countless. (Sarah Gronberg / Hville Blast)

Lone Goose Saloon is a true local spot. “It’s a family,” George said.

George said that at Lone Goose, “You can actually bring your wife or daughter here and they can feel safe.” They have security there to ensure that everyone can come in and relax, have a drink and share their good times and bad times, because, “That’s the whole gist of it.”

Poole does her part in keeping things interesting at the bar.

“We’ve had several people that have met here and gotten married. We’ve done a lot of matchmaking here.”

Margaret Poole

Poole has made lots of friends along the way, too. She said that the people that sit on the patio (the “patio heads,” as George and Poole call them) think of her as their mother.

George also enjoys talking with the customers, saying his favorite part of owning the bar is, “Mainly hanging out with people discussing different subjects.”

Beyond interacting with their customers and friends, the two are involved in what goes on at the bar each and every day.

“We’re down here seven days a week, every morning. We’re the support group here.”

Danny George

George described how he and Poole do a lot of the behind-the-scenes work before, “The staff comes in and takes it on through the night, then we do it again the next morning.”

And Huntsville’s glad they do it again, every morning.

Here’s where you can find “The Goose.”

And one last thing. Danny George wanted you to know that this story was written by his granddaughter.

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Sarah Gronberg
Sarah Gronberg
Articles: 221