The Collier at Clift Farm among new high-dollar building permits

🏗️NEW CONSTRUCTION: Check out these high-dollar building projects in the Huntsville area!
#newconstrcution #huntsvillealabama #buildingpermits
🏗️NEW CONSTRUCTION: Check out these high-dollar building projects in the Huntsville area!
#newconstrcution #huntsvillealabama #buildingpermits
🚀NEW ROCKET PARK: Renovations and improvements to the park are set to begin this month.
#NASA #USSRC #huntsvillealabama
🚧NEW CONSTRUCTION: Here are a couple of new million-dollar-plus building permits issued in Huntsville.
#newconstruction #huntsvillealabama #retirementliving
🍎 HCS PLAN APPROVED: A $40 million plan has been approved for Huntsville City Schools to receive a new central office + career tech academy. What are your thoughts?
#huntsvillecityschools #huntsvilleal #huntsvillealabama #rocketcity #CV
👀 ATHENS MARKETPLACE: Details have been released about a brand new shopping center coming to Athens! Read about the plans the city has in store 👇
#athensal #athensalabama #newopening #shopping #CV
☀️ HUGE STEP IN SUSTAINABILITY: 279 megawatts of not-so-average solar panels are coming to Lawrence County. 💥
#hvilleblast #northalabama #lawrencecountyal #solar
🚧 NEW BUILDING PERMITS: Check out these new multi-million-dollar construction projects in North Alabama.
#newconstruction #decaturalabama #huntsvillealabama
MORE PARKING AT THE ORION? A new parking garage is coming to the Orion Amphitheater.
#orionamphiteater #huntsvillealabama #parking
NEW CONSTRUCTION IN THE ROCKET CITY: Take a look at these new projects around town.
#MS #huntsvillealabama #newconstruction #madisonalabama
☀️ SUMMER AT THE LAKE: Nothing compares to bright sunny days at Smith Lake until you have a major problem. Find out what happened to Steve Payne + his family 👇
#BlastPartner #lake #lakedays #summer #smithlake #repair #frontporch #LS