New $1 million grant awarded to HMCR for bridge replacement

Grant awarded to reconstruct one of Huntsville's railroads 👀 🚂 #HMCR #grantmoney #alabamashortline
Grant awarded to reconstruct one of Huntsville's railroads 👀 🚂 #HMCR #grantmoney #alabamashortline
🎶 LIBRARY PLANS: A cool music program is included in a local library expansion.
#huntsvillealabama #musiceducation #huntsvillelibraries
🚧 NEW CONSTRUCTION: Here are the high-dollar construction projects recently approved in the Huntsville area.
#huntsvillealabama #newconstruction #buildingpermits
🚧 NEW CONSTRUCTION: A new building permit was issued this past week for a Chick-fil-A restaurant in Town Madison.
#madisonalabama #huntsville #CFA
🎓 NEW AAMU FACILITY! A new Student Amenities Center is being built on the AAMU campus!
#AAMU #HBCU #huntsvillealabama
🌉 SKYBRIDGE UPDATE: City officials approved access to funds for the PARC project, which includes the "skybridge."
#huntsvillealabama #skybridge #PARC
🚀 NEW REST STOP ROCKET: Lawmakers have announced that they have gathered the necessary funding to replace the iconic Saturn 1B Rocket replica removed from the Ardmore Welcome Center last year.
Learn about Lockheed Martin's new $18 million facility that opened in Huntsville
🚀🏙️ #lockheedmartin #rocketcity #researchpark
💥 NEW REC CENTER: A new 27,350-square-foot rec center is being built in west Huntsville.
#huntsvillealabama #newconstruction #parsandrecreation
🚗 I-565 EXPANSION: The Alabama Department of Transport (ALDOT) announced last week that the five-mile stretch of I-565 will run from County Line Road to Wall Triana, which will be widened on the inside median to 6 lanes (three in each direction). Click to learn more: