December is a great month for hiking in North Alabama

Reading time: 3 minutes

hiking in north alabama
Hiking in North Alabama in December offers some incredible scenery. (Michael Seale/Hville Blast)

You might think December is a good month to stay indoors — it’s the first month of winter, temperatures are dropping — but nothing could be further from the truth. In fact, December is a fantastic time of year for hiking in North Alabama.

The Land Trust of North Alabama agrees, because the organization has scheduled guided hikes in the Huntsville area throughout the month. Check these out:

Ecology Hike at Chapman Mountain – Dec. 2

hiking in north alabama
Join Matt Shaw as he guides this ecological tour of Chapman Mountain Preserve. (Land Trust of North Alabama)

Join naturalist Matt Shaw for a look at the early winter ecosystems of the Chapman Mountain Nature Preserve. This hike will start at the pavilion and cover parts of the Moonshine, Terry, and Whole Planet trails, making for a relatively easy walk.

Winter Tree Hike at Bradford Creek Greenway – Dec. 9

hiking in North Alabama
Take a “Tree ID Hike” at Bradford Creek Greenway Dec. 9. (Bradford Creek Greenway via Facebook)

Seeing beautiful trees is one of the many perks of going hiking in North Alabama, and this guided hike at Bradford Creek Greenway with Jesse Akozbek of Feral Foraging will help you identify the trees you’re used to seeing here in the area.

Wade Mountain Nature Preserve – Dec. 17

hiking in north alabama
Take a guided hike at Wade Mountain this month. (Land Trust of North Alabama)

Join Bob Carroll on a hike through Wade Mountain Nature Preserve — starting at the Spragins Hollow Trailhead, and going through Devils Racetrack Trail to Rockwall Trail.

Monte Sano Nature Preserve – Dec. 23

hiking in north alabama
You can’t forget Monte Sano Nature preserve when hiking in North Alabama. (Land Trust of North Alabama)

Just two days after the solstice, this hike will start from Bankhead Trailhead and take just a short section of the Bluff Line Trail to where it meets the Old Railroad Bed Trail. We’ll take the Old Railroad Bed Trail its entire length before taking the Tollgate Trail back up to the trailhead.

Where are we hiking in North Alabama?

There are plenty of places in the area to take a pretty awesome winter hike, but if you are going on one of these guided hikes (these are fantastic, by the way, especially for someone new to the area), remember:

  • Wear long pants and comfortable shoes with good tread
  • Bring water (stay hydrated!)
  • Apply sunscreen and bug spray
  • Dogs are welcome but must leashed

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Michael Seale
Michael Seale
Articles: 1670