New fund established for slain Huntsville police officer Garrett Crumby

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A fund has been established for fallen Huntsville police officer Garrett Crumby. (HPD)
Huntsville police officer Garrett Crumby was killed in the line of duty Tuesday. (Huntsville PD)

Huntsvillians are mourning the death of Huntsville police officer Garrett Crumby, who was shot and killed in the line of duty Tuesday, March 28. The incident occurred in the 4600 block of Governors House Drive.

Huntsville police said they have been flooded with support and concern from the public for their fallen police officer, and said there are ways the public can help following this sad and tragic incident, including a new fund set up at Redstone Federal Credit Union.

Read more: New fund established for slain Huntsville police officer Garrett Crumby

‘His heart is big and his drive is pure’

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Police officer Garrett Crumby came to Huntsville after serving with the Tuscaloosa Police Department. (HPD via Facebook)

Crumby joined HPD in August 2020 after serving with the Tuscaloosa Police Department for nearly seven years as a patrol and field training officer. He worked for HPD’s West Precinct and was known by fellow officers for his positive attitude and willingness to learn.

In Crumby’s most recent employee evaluation, one of his supervisors described him by saying, “Although Officer Crumby’s tenure with HPD is young, his heart is big and his drive is pure.”

Crumby aspired to become an HPD investigator with hopes of joining the department’s Financial Crimes Unit during his career.

Fellow officer Albert Morin was also shot during the incident and is recovering at Huntsville Hospital. He is expected to survive the shooting.

“This is a devastating loss for the our department, the Huntsville community and the State of Alabama. We send our heartfelt condolences to the officer’s family as they mourn their loved one who made the ultimate sacrifice. As we grieve with our fallen officer’s family, we have another officer fighting for his life. Please keep all our officers and the entire department in your prayers.”

Chief Kirk Giles, Huntsville Police Department

How to help

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The Saturn rocket at the U.S. Space & Rocket Center was lit blue to honor Crumby. (U.S. Space & Rocket Center)

The Huntsville Police Department said they would like to thank the Madison County Sheriff’s Office and Madison Police Department for assistance answering calls in the City of Huntsville while HPD officers grieve this tragic loss.

“We are heartbroken. Words cannot express our loss. We have been overwhelmed by the show of love and support from our community, and we stand united with our police officers and their families in this tragic moment.”

Mayor Tommy Battle

The Huntsville PD has received a number of requests from citizens and companies wanting to make donations. Private funds are being established through Redstone Federal Credit Union to help support the officers’ families.

Condolences can be sent to Crumby’s family and get-well cards can be sent to Morin c/o HPD P.O. Box 2085 Huntsville, AL 35804.

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Michael Seale
Michael Seale
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