Greyhound resumes new bus services in Huntsville

Reading time: 2 minutes

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New Carollton Greyhound Bus 5571” by Beechwood Photography is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 2.0

After suspending bus service to and from Huntsville in 2022, Greyhound announced it will resume its services beginning this week. The new service includes transit to Nashville and Birmingham, among other select destinations.

Although the original plan when service was suspended in September of last year was to resume service at the Church Street transit center, the bus line will — at least for now — operate from a location on Memorial Parkway.

Greyhound resumes service this week

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Greyhound Bus Champaign Urbana IL.” by Loco Steve is licensed under CC BY 2.0

A news release from Greyhound said that currently, the Greyhound bus service will operate from a Texaco station at 11560 Memorial Parkway SW. The location is still being renovated to accommodate seating and ticketing for the service.

Destinations from Huntsville include:

  • Birmingham
  • Nashville
  • Atlanta
  • Montgomery

Booking a trip with Greyhound

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Greyhound bus in toronto station” by germeister is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 2.0

Service at the new location runs four times per day. Customers can book their travel through either the Greyhound or Flixbus websites.

One-way trips to Nashville run between $30 and $40, and around $30 to Birmingham. Other destinations include Atlanta (starting at $55) and Montgomery (starting at $30).

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Michael Seale
Michael Seale
Articles: 1641