Huntsville-area job seekers can find 13K+ jobs posted this week

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Huntsville-area job seekers can browse more than 13,000 jobs on this week. (Michael Seale / Hville Blast)

Good news, Huntsville-area job seekers: There are more than 13,000 jobs available this week in and around the Rocket City, listed on Jobs range from food services, retail and hospitality to engineering, tech and health care.

Check out who is hiring in the Huntsville area:

Read more: Huntsville-area job seekers can find 13K+ jobs posted this week

Huntsville Hospital has 950+ jobs open

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Huntsville-area job seekers looking to work in health care have plenty of options. (Michael Seale / Hville Blast)

Huntsville Hospital has nearly 1,000 jobs open and listed on, again topping the list of local employers with the most positions open this week.

Also, as we posted last week, there are multiple job fairs coming up in Huntsville as well, which is good news for Huntsville-area job seekers!

Here are the 10 local employers with the most jobs listed on

More employers hiring, including Hville Blast!

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UAH has more than 70 jobs listed this week. (Jacob Blankenship / Hville Blast)

The University of Alabama in Huntsville shows 71 jobs open this week, an increase from last week. Other local employers like H&R Block and Help at Home also have dozens of jobs listed this week.

Also, at Hville Blast we are looking for an here at Hville Blast we are looking for an Account Executive — someone who can help us grow, and preferably has experience selling advertising or marketing services, especially digital media.

Let us know if you’d like to join our team!

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Michael Seale
Michael Seale
Articles: 1473