Huntsville still ‘top choice’ for new U.S. Space Command HQ

Reading time: 4 minutes

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U.S. Space Command commanding officer, Gen. James Dickinson, reportedly said Huntsville is still the desired location for the new headquarters. (U.S. Space Command)

The controversy surrounding the location of the U.S. Space Command headquarters has caused many in Huntsville to scratch their heads wondering if, in fact, the Rocket City is going to welcome the new HQ at all.

However, Alabama lawmakers recently met with Space Command officials and came away from the meeting confident that Huntsville is still the preferred choice.

Britt, Tuberville react to Space Command meeting

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Se. Katie Britt (R-AL) said U.S. Space Command officials assured her that the Space Command HQ “belongs in Huntsville.” (Sen. Katie Britt)

Sen. Katie Britt (R-AL), Sen. Tommy Tuverville (R-AL) and Rep. Dale Strong (R-AL) met with Space Command officials this week, and came away from the meeting confident about Huntsville’s standing in getting the new headquarters.

Britt said in a statement Wednesday that Gen. James Dickinson of the U.S. Space Command said he feels the headquarters “belongs” in Huntsville, and that the Rocket City is still the “top choice” for the new HQ.

In March, word from Washington was that Pres. Joe Biden wanted to keep the headquarters in Colorado Springs for political reasons, because Alabama has one of the most restrictive abortion laws in the country, which would affect service members and their families stationed in Huntsville.

Britt said it is time to put politics aside and move the HQ to Alabama, especially since Dickinson and other officials support the move to Huntsville..

“This is no surprise, because it is what the facts clearly support. The White House must keep politics out of this.”

Sen. Katie Britt (R-AL)

Tuberville tweeted similar sentiments Wednesday.

Following the controversy

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The controversy surrounding the USSPACECOM headquarters has been ongoing for more than two years now.

As we reported last summer, the relocation of the U.S. Space Command headquarters to Huntsville was basically a “done deal,” so to speak after an extended investigation into Trump’s decision-making process to move the operations of Space Command.

Since then, more politics and partisanship has come into play that has further delayed the relocation process.

Here’s a timeline of events that has led us to where we are now in the process:

  • The Air Force originally announced its decision to move U.S. Space Command to Redstone Arsenal in January 2021
  • The Air Force’s decision angered Colorado lawmakers and its business community, which touted Colorado Springs’s status as a longtime hub for military space operations and industry, and the current SPACECOM headquarters. They called for multiple investigations by the defense secretary, DoD inspector general and Government Accountability Office into the basing process.
  • After a 15-month process that questioned the methods by which Huntsville was chosen for the new Space Command headquarters, Pentagon officials on May 2 said they found “no foul play” involved in the selection process, giving the Air Force the green light to move the SPACECOM HQ to Alabama.
  • In June, the Government Accountability Office released a report stating that, while the Air Force’s process for choosing Space Command’s location was not completely up to par with recommendations, Redstone Arsenal still stands out as the top choice for Space Command HQ.
  • In June 2021, the USAF announced that the environmental review found no issues with the proposed site for the new headquarters. A variety of potential impacts were studied including noise levels, transportation and natural resources.
  • Pres. Joe Biden said he has been advised to overturn the decision by Trump to move the Space Command headquarters.
  • Senators Britt and Tuberville, with Rep. Dale Strong, met with USSPACECOM officials in Washington.

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Michael Seale
Michael Seale
Articles: 1673