November Health Score Honor Roll — who made the grade

🧑🍳 HEALTH SCORE HONOR ROLL: See who made the grade this month in Madison County!
#huntsvillealabama #healthscores #madisoncountyal
General info, tips, hacks, etc
🧑🍳 HEALTH SCORE HONOR ROLL: See who made the grade this month in Madison County!
#huntsvillealabama #healthscores #madisoncountyal
🎄 HOLIDAY SEASON IN ATHENS: Check out these Christmas events happening in Athens in December!
#athensalabama #chirstmas2023 #holidays
🎄HOLIDAY EVENTS: Check out these 15 holiday activities you can enjoy in Huntsville –including parades, light shows, holiday markets and more! ⭐️
#HuntsvilleAlabama #HolidayEvents
😋 BEST THINGS WE ATE: We tried a lot of great food this November — check out what made our "favorites" list!
#foodie #huntsvilleal #huntsvillealabama #wheretoeathuntsville #CV
🧠 DRUG-FREE DEPRESSION TREATMENT: Dr. Hayden is using a safe + easy treatment option that's extremely effective + covered by insurance. Check it out 👇
#BlastPartner #depressiontreatment #TMS
🚧 NORTH ALABAMA CONSTRUCTION: Check out these new high-dollar projects in North Alabama!
#newconstruction #huntsvillealabama #buildingpermits
🍕 NEW OPENINGS: Check out these 6 openings happening in the Huntsville area–pizza, Christmas bars, golf-simulators + more! ⛳️
#HuntsvilleAlabama #Openings
💫 HUNTSVILLE JOBS: Check out more than 13,500 jobs listed here in the Huntsville area!
#huntsvillealabama #jobs #employment
💥 FUN IN THE ROCKET CITY! Check out what's happening this weekend!
#thanksgiving #huntsvillealabama #holidays
🍽️ LEFTOVER TURKEY RECIPES: Don't let your leftover Thanksgiving turkey go to waste. Check out these delicious recipes👇
#thanksgiving #recipes #foodie #huntsvilleal #huntsvillealabama #CV