Job seekers: Check out more than 15,000 jobs open in the Huntsville area

Reading time: 2 minutes

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Job seekers in the Huntsville area may be interested to know that Crestwood Medical Center is among hundreds of companies in the area currently hiring. (Crestwood Medical Center via Facebook)

Summer is in fill swing and so is the local job market in the Huntsville area. According to, more than 15,000 jobs are currently open in the area, ranging from the medical field to retail and hospitality.

Check out the most recent job listings in the Rocket City and surrounding communties.

Dollar General, Huntsville Hospital among companies with openings

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Dollar General has more than 300 job openings posted right now within 25 miles of Huntsville. (Dollar General via Facebook)

Huntsville Hospital leads the way again with the most job openings in the area, with more than 900 openings listed. And I also want to remind everyone that here at Hville Blast, we are looking for a full time Social Media Producer. So let us know if you are interested or pass this listing along to someone you think might be.

Here are the 10 local employers with the most openings in the Huntsville area:

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The Huntsville Hospital System has more than 900 jobs open right now. (Huntsville Hospital via Facebook)

More than 15,000 current job openings in the Huntsville metro

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UAH has nearly 100 jobs open at the moment. (Jacob Blankenship / Hville Blast)

To browse more jobs in the Huntsville area, check out the listings on

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Michael Seale
Michael Seale
Articles: 1665