Job Seekers: Huntsville has more than 16,000 jobs available in the area

Reading time: 2 minutes

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Huntsville has more than 16,000 jobs available in the area. (Nathan Watson / Hville Blast)

One of the biggest concerns for Alabamians this mid-term election year has been the availability of jobs coming out of the coronavirus pandemic, and the good news is that in the Huntsville area more than 16,000 positions are open in a variety of fields.

Hville Blast found these positions listed within 25 miles of Huntsville.

Huntsville Hospital, Alabama A&M, Deloitte among companies hiring in Huntsville

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Huntsville Hospital has nearly 1,000 positions open. (Huntsville Hospital via Facebook)

Before I list the employers with the most job openings, let me also say that here at Hville Blast, we are looking for a full time Social Media Producer. So let us know if you are interested or pass this listing along to someone you think might be.

Here are some of the companies hiring in the Huntsville area:

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UAH has more than 80 jobs open on campus. (Jacob Blankenship / Hville Blast)

More positions

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HudsonAlpha has more than a dozen positions open. (Nathan Watson / Bham Now)

To browse more jobs in the Huntsville area, check out the listings on

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Michael Seale
Michael Seale
Articles: 1473