‘The Nutcracker,’ ‘A Christmas Carol’ + more amazing holiday shows

Reading time: 2 minutes

holiday shows
The Nutcracker is one of the holiday shows happening in Huntsville in the next few weeks. (Michael Seale / Hville Blast)

Christmas season is in full swing, and for those of you who want to enhance your Christmas spirit and cheer, there are plenty of holiday shows and concerts you can attend in the Huntsville area that will help do just that.

Take a look at these shows around town:

The Living Christmas Tree

Don’t miss this choral and orchestral presentation of Christmas music presented by First Baptist Church of Huntsville.

Christmas Sing-Along Concert

Join the New Market Community Choir for its first-ever Christmas Carol Sing-Along Concert. Kick off the Christmas season with an evening of classic Christmas carols, led by the Community Choir, where everyone is encouraged to sing along.

A Christmas Carol

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A Christmas Carol is one of the must-see holiday shows. (Fantasy Playhouse)

If you are looking for holiday shows, you can’t miss this one. Huntsville’s most beloved family holiday tradition returns to the Fantasy Playhouse stage for the 34th year this December.

The Nutcracker

Christmas shows
Huntsville Ballet is performing The Nutcracker at the VBC. (Huntsville Ballet)

You cannot celebrate the holiday season without seeing “The Nutcracker” at least once. Huntsville Ballet puts on one of the best performances of the classic ballet every year.

Sanders Family Christmas Play

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One of the season’s funniest holiday shows returns to Burritt on the Mountain. (Southern Rogue Theatre Company)

Conceived by Alan Bailey and penned by Connie Ray, this famous sequel of Smoke on the Mountain returns to the Old Country Church at Burritt on the Mountain.

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Michael Seale
Michael Seale
Articles: 1658