Attention pickleballers: Sign up for the Pickleball on the Moon event in Huntsville

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Pickleball on the Moon takes place at the Sandra Moon Complex April 29-May 1. (Huntsville Pickleball Club via Facebook)

One of the country’s fastest-growing sports already has a strong following in Huntsville, and the Huntsville Pickleball Club is hosting a festival for this popular sport at the Sandra Moon Complex April 29 through May 1.

All proceeds from the Pickleball on the Moon festival will go to the Breast Cancer Patient Assistance Fund, benefiting breast cancer patients in our community and in all of North Alabama.

How to get involved in the Pickleball on the Moon festival

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The Hunstville Pickleball Club is hosting Pickleball on the Moon at the Sandra Moon Complex, and the registration deadline is approaching. (Huntsville Pickleball Club via Facebook)

Pickleball on the Moon has already generated a great deal of interest, according to the Huntsville Pickleball Club. The club recommends anyone wishing to participate in the tournament register by April 15.

Here are some details about the event:

Where: Sandra Moon Community Complex, 7901 Bailey Cove Rd SE, Huntsville, AL, 35802

When: Friday, April 29 – Sunday, May 1 (registration is open until the day of the event but is recommended by April 15 to reserve a spot). Register online here.

Cost: $70 for Huntsville Pickleball Club members, $75 for non-members

What to expect: The festival includes a round-robin tournament, clinics for beginners, skill contests for pickleball players, vendors, equipment demos, raffles and more. There will be entertainment and music Saturday and Sunday afternoon and lawn games on the grounds. You can bring your own food, but there will be a hospitality tent for snacks and beverages open during festival hours.

Round robins on Saturday and Sunday are divided into skill levels- 2.0, 2.5, 3.0, 3.5, 4.0+. These will be held on the tennis courts (striped for PB and portable nets will be used). The round robins are random draw; play with different partners against changing opponents with a 20-minute time limit for each of the 7 rounds being played (total 2 hours 20 minutes max play time).  

Points scored will be kept for each individual player. The top three players will be awarded prizes. The maximum number in each skill level division is 32 players.

What is the Huntsville Pickleball Club?

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The Huntsville Pickleball Club has nearly 400 members since its inception in 2013. (Huntsville Pickleball Club via Facebook)

Pickleball in Huntsville is growing, just as it has been growing throughout the country. In fact, the Huntsville Pickleball Club, which was started in 20213, has nearly 400 members.

The purpose of the Huntsville Pickleball Club, as putlined in the club’s by-laws is:

  • To provide members a fun, recreational and competitive social activity
  • Establish policies for the safe and equitable use of any equipment or facilities owned or utilized
  • Promote and encourage participation in the programs and activities of the Huntsville Pickleball Club
  • Promote and develop Pickleball in Huntsville and surrounding areas.

Membership allows pickleballers to participate in all events during the year and play at six indoor and three outdoor locations. Free clinics and instruction and free use of training resources are also available.

Any adult 18 years old or older may become a member of the Huntsville Pickleball Club by paying annual dues. The annual dues of $10.00 per member are due in December of each year and are delinquent after January 1st. Dues of new members are prorated according to the quarter of the dues year in which they join (dues are $7.50 if you join after April 1st; $5 if you join after July 1st; and $2.50 if you join after October 1st).

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Huntsville has seven different locations to play pickleball. (Huntsville Pickleball Club via Facebook)

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Michael Seale
Michael Seale
Articles: 1658