Find out how one thrilling novelist became a bestseller
Reading time: 4 minutes

Recently, I had the privilege to meet with local novelist Georgina Cross to talk with her about her career and experience as a writer in Huntsville. Read on to see where she started and how she came to be a bestselling author.
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Launching her career
Cross was born in Hong-Kong, but her family moved to the United States when she was very young. After graduating from the University of Louisiana, Cross moved to Huntsville to work in journalism at WAFF-48 News.
She went on to contribute to the Huntsville Times and later stepped into a position as Director of Workforce Development at the Huntsville/Madison County Chamber.
A process of networking and pumping out short stories eventually lead to the completion of her first novel.
“Coming from a big city, I’ve seen the difference. I would get lost in the big city, but I’ve had more success being in a smaller city. Huntsville is a big city with a small-town feel. This is a community where literally one phone call can introduce you to so many people.”
Georgina Cross, six-time published author
Life as a novelist
Cross became a full-time novelist while raising her family here in Huntsville. After driving to Chicago for a networking event, she met her agent, Rachel. The two became partners, and Rachel was able to connect her with her current publishers, one of which is among the biggest publishing houses in the country—Bantam, Penguin Random House.
Her work includes Nanny Needed, The Stepdaughter and The Missing Woman—a psychological suspense thriller that takes place in Huntsville.
“I’m very project based. Like if I’m working on a project, I’m heads down for five months until that book is done.”
Georgina Cross
After asking where she saw herself in ten years, Cross promptly answered, “Writing on a boat.” She envisions holding her laptop working on her stories as her husband tinkers on the boat and mends the sails.
I have only had the pleasure of talking to a select few people who expressed their desire to continue their craft until they pass, and Georgina Cross is one of them.
Georgina’s advice
Cross adamantly said to me that discipline is one of the key factors missing that’s stopping people from achieving their dreams.
“You don’t become a good chef without practicing, without cutting your finger accidentally a few times, or without ruining something. So with writing, you’ve really got to have your bottom in that chair. The book doesn’t write itself and you can’t edit a blank page.”
Georgina Cross, six-time published author
She went on to explain how going through challenges in life have made her a deeper, more empathetic thinker and a better friend. She believes that processing those hardships in life are key to sharing your story in a powerful way.
As a novelist, she has a perfect avenue for output on her many creative ideas, and desires for everyone to be able to find that same output no matter what it is.
Keep up with Georgina Cross
Visit Georgina Cross’ website here to view her work and keep up to date on what she’s doing.
On July 30, she’s hosting a FREE workshop for aspiring authors at the Madison Public Library, so be sure to check that out if you’re interested in learning how to be a writer.
If you’re curious about other Huntsville writers, check out our other article on 5 novels by Huntsville authors you should read now.
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