New terminal expansion at Huntsville airport now completed

✈️ SIGNATURE AVIATION: Check out this private airline's new terminal at HSV!
#FlyHSV #huntsvillealabama #SignatureAviation
✈️ SIGNATURE AVIATION: Check out this private airline's new terminal at HSV!
#FlyHSV #huntsvillealabama #SignatureAviation
🚧 IT'S OPEN!! The long-awaited interchange at Town Madison on I-565 is open!
#madisonalabama #ALDOT #huntsvillealabama
✈️ SO FAR, SO GOOD! The airport reported solid passenger traffic numbers to start the year.
#FlyHSV #huntsdvillealabama #madisoncountyalabama
🤩 The last two weekends of March are jam-packed with massive events like the NCAA Women's Basketball Regions + Les Misérables presented by Broadway in Birmingham 🎭
We rounded up details + helpful tips—like how to pre-purchase parking—to help you make the most of each event 👇
BlastPartner #bjcc #marchevents #broadwayinbirmingham #ncaawomensbasketballregionals #monsterjam #secgymnastics #alabamasymphonyorchestra #monsterjam nw
⛽ GAS PRICES: Take a look at how gas prices here in Madison County compare to other counties in the state.
#gasprices #huntsvillealabama #alabamaprices
✈️ NEW HSV FACILITIES: Two new facilities opened recently at the Huntsville International Airport.
#FlyHSV #huntsvillealabama #ribboncutting
✈️ CONGRATS, HSV! The Huntsville airport increased passenger traffic by more than 10% in 2024.
#flyHSV #huntsvillealabama @madisoncountyal
✈️ AIRPORT NEWS: A new parking deck is planned for HSV!
#FlyHSV #huntsvillealabama #airport
🌨️ CLOSED FOR SNOW: Here are some of the schools and businesses closed ahead of Friday's weather.
#huntsvillealabama #snow #madisoncounty
☃️ SNOW DAY! We are going to see some significant snow Friday. But how much?
#snow #huntsvillealabama #winterweather