Ultimate Huntsville newcomers checklist: your guide to setting up utilities, updating your address + more

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Welcome to the Rocket City! What’s next? Read below! (Lacey Muenstermann / Hville Blast)

You’re new to Huntsville—now what? If you’re looking for a checklist of how to get settled in the Rocket City, this guide is for you.

We’ve outlined how and where to take care of all the adult things required when moving to a new city.

1. Set up your utilities with Huntsville Utilities

Huntsville Utilities
how to set up utilities
utilities in Huntsville
Huntsville Utilities (Ben Johnson / Hville Blast)

When you’re ready to set up your electricity, natural gas and water, Huntsville Utilities makes it as easy as possible. Set up an account through their online portal and conveniently get all your utilities through one service.

Huntsville Utilities makes it their mission to teach customers how to spend LESS money on utilities. Here are a few benefits of using Huntsville Utilities:

  • Money-saving: Huntsville Utilities is cheaper than Alabama Power.
  • Convenient: All your utilities (electricity, natural gas, water + trash pickup) are on ONE bill
    • Madison County water billed separately
  • Easy to pay: Their online payment system and payment plans make it easy to pay your bills.
  • Accessible: Online support + Spanish translation services help make getting service accessible for more Huntsville residents.

Give them a follow on Instagram or Facebook for helpful utilities tips that will save you time and money.

2. Change your address

Make sure your mail finds its way to you:

  • How: U.S. Postal Service (Tip: you may also want to contact your account holders individually as well)
  • Where: USPS website

3. Update your drivers license

Madison County Service Center Interior
One place to get your new license is the Madison County License Department. (Ben Johnson / Hville Blast)

Did you know you have 30 days to update your drivers license after you move?

Make sure your personal identification is up-to-date:

4. Update your vehicle registry

Madison County Service Center 2 2
While updating your driveres license, go ahead and update your vehicle registration. (Ben Johnson / Hville Blast)

You also have 30 days to update your license plate + vehicle registry once moving to/within Alabama.

Tip: Get the Huntsville Rocket or AL Arts themed vanity plate

While you’re getting your new “44” license plate, splurge a little to support local foundations and drive in style (plus, you’ll blend in with the locals).

  • How: Apply for your custom tag online
  • Where: Alabama Department of Revenue license plate renewal website 

Look out for these two Alabama-themed custom tags:

  • “Support the Arts” Alabama Arts Tag featuring artwork of a bottle tree painted by Birmingham artist Bethany Hill
    • Supports the Alabama State Council on the Arts which promotes art education and programs in AL
    • Get this tag for $55
  • Dare to ExploreAlabama Space Tag featuring the Space Launch System, moon and Mars with a red ribbon resembling the NASA logo
    • Supports the the U.S. Space & Rocket Center Education Foundation
    • Get this tag for $55 (Application Deadline: December 15, 2024)

5. Register to vote

Working from Honest Coffee in downtown Huntsville
Many of these tasks can be done easily online. (Lacey Spear / Hville Blast)

Make sure your voter registration is up-to-date for the local and state levels:

6. Sign your kids up for school

kids' birthday parties
Make sure your kiddos are enrolled for school. (Michael Seale / Hville Blast)

If you have kids, here’s how you’ll enroll them in their new school:

  • How: Determine which school district you are in (see this map)
  • Where: Set up appointment with your school’s registrar

Huntsville has several youth activities and programs. Here are just a few fun and educational kids activities in Huntsville:

7. Set up your internet

Internet—maybe the most important? Jokes aside, make sure your new home is connected properly:

8. Follow Hville Blast

Check out the reasons we love Huntsville. (Hville Blast)

Stay in the know of what’s happening in Huntsville! We regularly post guides and news to keep you in the loop.

Here are some guides to help you start getting to know your new home:

Hville Blast and Huntsville Utilities welcome you to the Rocket City!


Huntsville Utilities
Elizabeth Hobbs
Elizabeth Hobbs
Articles: 54