Where to donate + recycle your items for New Year’s cleaning

Reading time: 3 minutes

A look at downtown Huntsville.
Huntsville has many resources for donating and recycling. (McCarley Northway / Hville Blast)

As 2023 comes to a close, our minds are turning toward the New Year in Huntsville. If your goal is to be more organized in 2024, it’s time to get a head start on those cleaning projects you’ve been putting off over the past year.

Check out our top recommendations for where to donate and recycle your items in the Rocket City.

Donation drop-off spots in Huntsville

Inside of antique store in Huntsville
Huntsville has a thriving thrift store community. (McCarley Northway / Hville Blast)

If you’re like me, you love going thrifting in Huntsville. Donating your gently-used items is a great way to contribute to Huntsville thrift shops and create a more affordable shopping experience for Huntsville-area residents.

Check out these donation spots in Huntsville and Madison:

Where to recycle appliances, furniture + more

christmas tree xmas holiday
You can even recycle your Christmas trees. (McCarley Northway / Hville Blast)

If your items are far beyond gently used or are no longer functioning, you may want to consider recycling them to avoid contributing to local waste. Check out how you can reuse and recycle various items in the Huntsville area, according to The City of Huntsville:

  • Appliances: Best Buy recycles TVs, computers, appliances, printers, cameras and more in store. Get the full list of items eligible for recycling.
    • The Huntsville Landfill also accepts appliances for a fee and recycles them through an outside contractor.
  • Automobile License Plates: Madison County’s License Department and Operation Green Team work together to recycle old license plates. Check out the local drop-off bins.
  • Christmas Trees: Operation Christmas Tree Cleanup is happening January 6 from 8AM-1PM. Get all the details.
  • Electronics: You can take old electronics to the Solid Waste Disposal Authority’s Household Hazardous Waste Collection drive-through facility, Monday–Friday, 7AM-5PM.
  • Clothing + Rags: Christmas Charities Year Round recycles clothing, and you can drop your items off Monday-Friday.
  • Packaging: Terracycle accepts difficult-to-recycle plastic packaging materials, and the UPS stores and Mailboxes Etc. accept packing peanuts and bubble wrap.
  • Plastic Caps: You can drop them off in the blue recycling bins at any fire station in the Huntsville area.
  • Plastic Bags: The Green Team has a program for Huntsville citizens to crochet plastic bags into plastic mats.

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Lacey Muenstermann
Lacey Muenstermann
Articles: 352