Who would play Mayor Tommy Battle in a movie?

Reading time: 2 minutes

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Our readers gave suggestions on who would play Mayor Tommy Battle in a movie. (City of Huntsville)

Every now and then, we like to get some feedback from our readers on pressing issues — traffic, economic growth, local educational and technological endeavors and who would play Mayor Tommy Battle in a movie about Huntsville.

Okay the last one is kind of lighthearted, but important nonetheless. We recently asked readers about what actors might best portray our mayor, and the results are in:

Top pick: Tom Hanks

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Tom Hanks 2016” by Dick Thomas Johnson is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.5

Oscar-winning actor Tom Hanks came in as the front-runner for which actor should play Mayor Battle. I am not sure if this played into our readers’ decision, but coincidentally, both Hanks and Battle have the same first name, and they are both the same age, 67.

Hanks, who won Best Actor Oscars for “Philadelphia” and “Forrest Gump,” might be a good fit to play Tommy Battle. Our readers may be on to something here.

Other options for playing Tommy Battle

We received several suggestions from readers on who would portray our mayor in a movie, and while Hanks received the most support for the role among readers, some other actors who were suggested by readers include:

  • Kevin Sorbo, who played Hercules in the 1990s television series
  • Kevin Costner, the award-winning star of “Bull Durham,” “Dances with Wolves” and “JFK,” among others
  • Tommy Lee Jones, star of films such as “Men in Black,” “The Fugitive” and “Cobb.”

Do you have any other ideas? Let us know!

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Michael Seale
Michael Seale
Articles: 1622