The witches are coming! 3 Witches Ride events in Madison County

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You need to catch one of these Witches Rides this year! They are fun to attend and are for a great cause. (Hampton Cove Witches Ride via Facebook)

One of the best things about Halloween season is that not only are there plenty of activities and fun for kids, but adults can also get in on the fun, so if you see some witches on bicycles in your neighborhood in the next few weeks, don’t be alarmed.

But it’s not just for fun. These events, which have grown in popularity all over the country, are fundraisers for a variety of different worthy causes, while also providing a fun event for the community. Check out these three Witches Rides in the Huntsville area this year:

Read more: The witches are coming! 3 Witches Ride events in Madison County

Madison Witches Ride, Roll + Stroll

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This year’s ride in Madison is the first held in the city, and hopefully not the last! (Madison Witches Ride via Facebook)

This year marks the first Madison Witches Ride, Roll & Stroll, which takes place Oct. 23 at Palmer Park, located at 574 Palmer Rd. Here are some details:

  • The event begins at 2PM and is organized by Madison Visionary Partners to benefit the Kids Kingdom Playground Renovation Project.
  • It will feature festive local witches of all sorts riding their brooms (bikes), parading their pets, and strolling through Palmer Park and spreading Halloween cheer by throwing candy to hundreds of onlooking children along the route.
  • The Black Hat Block Party and Barks & Boos Pet Parade takes place immediately following the ride.

Hampton Cove Witches Ride

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The Hampton Cove event also takes place Oct. 23. (Hampton Cove Witches Ride via Facebook)

The Hampton Cove Witches Ride, set for Oct. 23, meanders through the beautiful Hampton Cove neighborhood as the witches hand out candy for the kids. This has been a popular event for the last few years. Here’s what’s up:

  • The ride begins at the Hampton House, at 2700 Hampton Cove Way SE.
  • The event benefits Good Samaritan Homeless Ministries.
  • The ride begins at 2PM.

Blossomwood Witches Ride

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The Blossomwood ride benefits Blount Hospitality House. (Robin Seale)

The Blossomwood Witches Ride is a fun bike ride through the neighborhood of Blossomwood, and like the others in the area, is a chance for folks to get dressed up and throw out some candy to the kids! This one happens Oct. 29 beginning at 4:30PM.

Here are a few other details:

  • The ride raises funds for Blount Hospitality House in Huntsville.
  • The ride begins at Blossomwood Elementary School at 1321 Woodmont Ave SE.
  • Children are asked to be accompanied by an adult to safely walk on the sidewalks while the witches fly by.

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Michael Seale
Michael Seale
Articles: 1658