30 new business openings we celebrated in 2024

Reading time: 3 minutes

Inside of Rocket City Dog Bar
We saw more than 150 new business openings here in the Huntsville area in 2024. (Lacey Muenstermann / Hville Blast)

This year has been full of exciting new business openings in a wide array of industries. We saw some national chains open locations here in the Rocket City, and locally owned shops and eateries open their doors.

In fact, we saw more than 150 new businesses open here in the Huntsville area in 2024 (and the year is still not quite over). Check out these new business highlights from 2024:

New restaurants + bars in 2024

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Del Chuco in downtown Huntsville is a new business now open. (Michael Seale/Hville Blast)

We have found that the most excitement from our audience comes when we announce a new place to eat or drink. And we saw dozens of those businesses open here in the Huntsville area this year.

Here are a few spots that opened this year:

Banks + financial services

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One of the new businesses on the scene this fall is Nova Bank in Huntsville. (Huntsville-Madison County Chamber of Commerce)

As the Rocket City continues to grow, more financial institutions and banking options have also set up shop here in the area. This year, we welcomed multiple new financial services businesses to the area:

New retail businesses in the Huntsville area

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Huntsville Art Supplies is one of the business openings we covered in 2024. (Michael Seale / Hville Blast)

Whether you are looking for art supplies, groceries, books, antiques or other cool stuff to buy, several new retail businesses opened this year in the Huntsville area, such as:

Healthcare, wellness + pet care services new in 2024

Dog going through tunnel
The Pawms is a new business pet lovers have enjoyed in 2024. (Hville Blast)

One aspect of Huntsville that has been in dire need of growth is our healthcare infrastructure, and this year we welcomed some new healthcare providers to the area, and some care providers for our four-legged friends as well.

Some of these include:

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Michael Seale
Michael Seale
Articles: 1651