Holtz Leather Co. is opening a new store, The Wood Shop, this spring—everything you need to know

💥 HOLTZ LEATHER EXPANDING: They're starting something new, The Wood Shop - A Board and Log Company. 🪵
#huntsville #huntsvilleal #holtzleather #sg
💥 HOLTZ LEATHER EXPANDING: They're starting something new, The Wood Shop - A Board and Log Company. 🪵
#huntsville #huntsvilleal #holtzleather #sg
NEW CONSTRUCTION! 4 multi-million-dollar building permits were awarded in North Alabama this past week!
#MS #BrasfieldandGorrie #huntsvilleAL #construction
THE WELLORY: Ground was broken today for this net-zero-energy development in MidCity.
#MS #MidCity #construction #Wellory
NEW CONSTRUCTION: There are 5 big projects in and around Huntsville that received building permits last week.
#MS #huntsvilleAL #buildingpermits #construction
GROWING, AND GROWING! Huntsville added more than 450 new residents per month in 2022.
#MS #HuntsvilleAL #construction #MidCity
🚨TOWN MADISON UPDATE: Five new spots are coming to Town Madison—here's when to watch for them. 👀
#madison #madisonal #townmadison
🏨 NEW HOTEL: A Hampton Inn & Suites is joining the list of new places to stay in Decatur 👇
#decatural #alabama #northalabama #hotel #SV
✨ COMMUNITY CENTER: The City of Madison will have a new space to gather + have fun 👇
#huntsvilleal #hville #madisonal #communitycenter #SV
🚀 2022 IN REVIEW: Here's what went down in the Rocket City this year.👇
#huntsville #huntsvilleal #huntsvillewrapped
🏗 CONSTRUCTION PERMITS APPROVED: Get the scoop on the area construction permits approved last week!
#hvilleblast #huntsvilleal #huntsvillealabama