CONSTRUCTION WATCH: There were 12 new building permits issued in the Huntsville area this past week. Check out where!
#MS #Arcadia #cummingsresearchpark #huntsvilleal #hvilleblast

NEW BRIDGE? Huntsville secured a federal grant for a pedestrian access project that includes a bridge over U.S. 231 and U.S. 431.
#MS #huntsvilleal #downtownhuntsville #pedestrianbridge

NEW INDUSTRIAL PARK: A 2-million-square-foot industrial park is slated for property on Greenbrier Parkway.
#MS #industrialpark #huntsville #construction

What restaurants do you want to see at Clift Farm? Let us know 👀
#madisonal #madisonalabama #huntsvilleal

NEW COURTHOUSE? The Madison County Courthouse, built in 1964, has fallen into disrepair, according to county leaders.
#MS #MadisonCountyAL #courthouse #huntsvilleal

NEW! A community center is coming to John Hunt Park, where the former National Guard Armory is located.
#MS #JohnHuntPark #HuntsvilleAL #communitycenter

UPDATE: The USAF has completed its environmental assessment of the U.S> Space Command headquarters' move to Huntsville.
#MS #USAF #SpaceCommand #RedstoneArsenal #Huntsville

NEW CONSTRUCTION: A new mixed-use development has been proposed for the area adjacent to Joe Davis Stadium in Huntsville.
#MS #StadiumCommons #HuntsvilleAl #JoeDavisStadium

BIG NEWS: The latest mixed-use development for downtown Huntsville has a name: Front Row.
#MS #DowntownHuntsville #FrontRow #oldetown

GROUNDBREAKING! Lockheed Martin broke ground on its new $16.5 million facility on its Huntsville campus.
#MS #LockheedMartin #Huntsville