Huntsville’s new Legacy Park opens to tremendous fanfare

LASTING LEGACY: Huntsville new Legacy Park opened at the former J.J. Johnson High School location.
#MS #LegacyPark #huntsvillealabama
LASTING LEGACY: Huntsville new Legacy Park opened at the former J.J. Johnson High School location.
#MS #LegacyPark #huntsvillealabama
☕️ PREMIER TEA HOUSE: We have all the tips + tricks you need to enjoy your tea time experience at this Madison hotspot 👇
#BlastPartner #tea #teahouse #madison #madisonal #LS
ARCADE TIME! Check out these arcades in the Huntsville area!
#CS #huntsvillealabama #arcades #videogames
JULY IN THE ROCKET CITY: Check out these events happening in the Huntsville area!
#MS #huntsvillealabama #julyevents #orionamphitheater #earlyworks #starwars
LOOK UP IN THE SKY: You will be able to see 5 planets in the Huntsville sky tonight.
☕️ SUMMER ICED COFFEE: You'll want to get your hands on these delicious summer selections before they leave their respective menus!
#icedcoffee #summer #smallbusiness #huntsvilleal #huntsvillealabama #rocketcity #CV
🪄 MAGIC CAMP: Steve Trash is hosting another Rocket City Magic Camp this July, and it's at an even bigger venue! Here's everything you need to know 👇
#magiccamp #stevetrash #huntsvilleal #huntsvillealabama #rocketcity #CV
HAVE FUN + BE SAFE! Fireworks are fun, but you need to be smart and safe with them!
#CS #huntsvillealabama #4thofJuly #fireworks #independenceday #fireworksafety
LOOKING AT THE WEEKEND: Here are some fun suggestions for the weekend in Huntsville.
#MS #huntsvillealabama #trashpandas #livemusic #amygrant
WEEKEND YARD SALES: Be sure to visit these local yard sales this weekend in the Huntsville area.
#MS #yardsales #garagesales #huntsvillealabama #madisoncounty