Juneteenth 2023—what’s open + what’s closed in Huntsville

JUNETEENTH IN HUNTSVILLE: Here's what's open and closed Monday for the holiday.
#MS #juneteenth2023 #huntsvillealabama #nationalholiday
General info, tips, hacks, etc
JUNETEENTH IN HUNTSVILLE: Here's what's open and closed Monday for the holiday.
#MS #juneteenth2023 #huntsvillealabama #nationalholiday
FUN EVENTS IN HUNTSVILLE: Chekc out what's happening in town this weekend!
#MS #huntsvillealabama #HCFC #fathersday #livemusic
REACHING CAPACITY: The 2 million-square-foot SouthPoint Business Park is full!
#MS #huntsvillealabama #hvilleblast #southpoint
YOUTH MENTORING GRANT: Huntsville's youth mentoring program secured a $70K grant!
#MS #huntsvillealabama #youthmentoring #mentoringprogram #parksandrecreation
HUNTSVILLE AREA YARD SALES: Here are some you won't want to miss this weekend!
#MS #yardsales #huntsvillealabama #garagesales #estatesales
HCS SUPERINTENDENT: The Board of Education chose its new superintendent last night!
#MS #huntsvillealabama #huntsvillecityschools #superintendent
MAKERS SPACES: If you like to tinker, create, invent and collaborate, try out one of these makers spaces in Huntsville!
#MS #makersspaces #huntsvillealabama #uah #creativspace
4TH OF JULY FIREWORKS: Here's where to catch some fireworks to celebrate Independence Day!
#MS #4thOfJuly2023 #huntsvillealabama #independenceday
UPDATE: The proposed rec center on Martin Road is beginning to take shape.
#MS #huntsvillealabama #recreationcenter
SEVERE WEATHER: Some majot thunderstorms left thoudands of folks without power in the Huntsville area.
#MS #huntsvillealabama #severethunderstorms #badweather