💥 ATTENTION ENTREPRENEURS: A new state program is going to give monetary incentives to move to Huntsville.
#huntsvillealabama #techjobs #startups #SweetHomeAlabama

🌟WINNERS: Find out how these 2 Alabama startups just won $75K for their innovative ideas👇
NowPartner #ALlaunchpad #edpa #startup #tech #hville GH

Learn more about these two Alabama startups + what winning Alabama Launchpad means to them 🤩
BlastPartner #AlabamaLaunchpad #EDPA #Equip #KimmieStylz #AlabamaEntrepreneur ms

🗺️ TINYMAP: This start up promises a fun new way to explore and interact with Huntsville 📍
#HuntsvilleAlabama #Startup #Localbusiness

🌟CYBERSECURITY SUMMIT: Meet the southeast's top tech leaders at this awesome Summit in Birmingham this April.
BlastPartner #SCS24 CM

👏 CHEERS TO HVILLE STARTUPS! 5 local startups have been chosen for a new accelerator program.
#huntsvillealabama #startups #gener8tor

🏆 STARTUP WINNERS: DevClarity + Autonoma walked away with a combined $75K in non-dilutive funding at the Alabama Launchpad Finale. Find out how you can win, too. 🤩
#BlastPartner #AlabamaLaunchpad #EconomicDevelopmentPartnershipofAlabama

MAKERS SPACES: If you like to tinker, create, invent and collaborate, try out one of these makers spaces in Huntsville!
#MS #makersspaces #huntsvillealabama #uah #creativspace

🏆 WE HAVE A WINNER: The Singing River Trail and Launch 2035 hosted a "Shark Tank" style competition. 👇
#huntsville #huntsvilleal #singingrivertrail #SG

🌷FEATURED IN SOUTHERN LIVING: This Huntsville-area farm just got some serious exposure. 👇
#huntsville #huntsvilleal #hubertfamilyfarms #tulipseason #sg