Clift Farm updates—County Commission approves phase II of development, + a new restaurant on the way

What restaurants do you want to see at Clift Farm? Let us know 👀
#madisonal #madisonalabama #huntsvilleal
What restaurants do you want to see at Clift Farm? Let us know 👀
#madisonal #madisonalabama #huntsvilleal
BIG NEWS! Huntsville's Northrop Grumman entered into a $3.3 billion contract with the Missile Defense Agency.
#MS #NorthopGrumman #huntsville #defense
BIG NEWS! HudsonAlpha has opened a new 14,000-square-foot educational facility!
#MA #KayIvey #HudsonAlpha #huntsvilleal #biotech
Here's a helpful guide to education nonprofits in Huntsville. 👇
#hsvnonprofits #nonprofits #huntsvilleal #huntsvillenonprofit #sg
STEMVPs: 4 women in the STEM field were honored last weekend by Huntsville tech firm LaunchTech.
#MS #STEMVPs #STEM #LaunchTech
AIRPORT NEWS: The Huntsville Internationla Airport will get a piece of the $1 billion Bipartisan Infrastructure Law Airport Terminal Program.
#MS #HSV #airport #FAA #huntsvilleal
HELP WANTED! There are more than 15,000 jobs listed in the Huntsville area currently. Check out who's hiring!
#MS #jobs #huntsvilleal #jobopenings
STILL GOING STRONG: The Star Super Market in Huntsville remains the "Jewel of Five Points" after nearly 80 years.
#MS #StarSuperMarket #FivePoints #HuntsvilleAL
NOW HIRING! Check out the Huntsville/Madison County Chamber's ReLaunch Job Fair!
#MS #JobFair #HuntsvilleAL #MadisonAL
NEW CONSTRUCTION: A new mixed-use development has been proposed for the area adjacent to Joe Davis Stadium in Huntsville.
#MS #StadiumCommons #HuntsvilleAl #JoeDavisStadium