New industrial building among high-dollar building permits in North Alabama

💥 NEW BUILDING PERMITS: Take a look at these high-dollar construction projects in North Alabama.
#huntsvillealabama #northalabama #newconstruction
💥 NEW BUILDING PERMITS: Take a look at these high-dollar construction projects in North Alabama.
#huntsvillealabama #northalabama #newconstruction
⚓ DITTO LANDING: Some big changes are coming for Ditto Landing. Check out what's new!
#huntsvillealabama #madisoncountyalabama #tennesseeriver
🏢 MILL CREEK PROJECT: The public is invited to a series of meetings regarding this development.
#huntsvillealabama #millcreek #housingdevelopment
🚧 NEW CONSTRUCTION: Check out these new high-dollar building permits in North Alabama.
#huntsvillealabama #newconstruction #buildingpermits
🚧 NEW APARTMENTS: A new complex at Hays Farm is in the works!
#huntsvillealabama #newconstruction #apartments
🚧 CONSTRUCTION UPDATE: There's a new Rheumatology Associates facility being built off Whitesburg Dr.
#huntsvillealabama #newconstruction #permits
💥 STADIUM COMMONS: The new mixed use development near The Joe is moving forward!
#huntsvillealabama #stadiumcommons #construction
💥 GROUNDBREAKING! Construction is about to begin on a new UAH student apartment complex.
#huntsvillealabama #UAH #studenthousing
🛹 NEW SKATE PARK: Two brand new developments — a skate park and a kid's playground — finally have an opening date in South Huntsville! Read more about the projects 👇
#skatepark #playground #huntsvilleparksandrecreation #huntsvilleal #rocketcity #CV
🚧CONSTRUCTION NEWS: The new Manufacturing Center at Drake State is one of the latest high-dollar projects approved in Huntsville.
#drakestate #huntsvillealabama #newconstruction