7 exciting July events in Huntsville—beyond the 4th

JULY IN THE ROCKET CITY: Check out these events happening in the Huntsville area!
#MS #huntsvillealabama #julyevents #orionamphitheater #earlyworks #starwars
General info, tips, hacks, etc
JULY IN THE ROCKET CITY: Check out these events happening in the Huntsville area!
#MS #huntsvillealabama #julyevents #orionamphitheater #earlyworks #starwars
🛍 SHOP CLINTON ROW: Have you been to this cute indoor alleyway of local shops in downtown? Here are 5 shops to visit + more info about Clinton Row!
#hvilleblast #huntsville #visithuntsville #clintonrow #localbusinesses #eh
NEW BUSINESSES IN THE ROCKET CITY! Check out these 3 new members of our business community!
#MS #trashpandas #huntsvillealabama #newbusiness #smallbusiness
LOOKING FOR A JOB IN HUNTSVILLE? Check out these listings in the Rocket City!
#MS #jobs #huntsvullealabama #madisoncounty #careers
You might be surprised to learn Huntsville's connection to the Titan submersible that captured national attention after it went missing this week.
LOOK UP IN THE SKY: You will be able to see 5 planets in the Huntsville sky tonight.
☕️ SUMMER ICED COFFEE: You'll want to get your hands on these delicious summer selections before they leave their respective menus!
#icedcoffee #summer #smallbusiness #huntsvilleal #huntsvillealabama #rocketcity #CV
NO TUITION INCREASE: In-state students at UAH will not see their tuition increase this coming year! Whew!
#MS #UAH #UA #huntsvillealabama #universityofalabama
🪄 MAGIC CAMP: Steve Trash is hosting another Rocket City Magic Camp this July, and it's at an even bigger venue! Here's everything you need to know 👇
#magiccamp #stevetrash #huntsvilleal #huntsvillealabama #rocketcity #CV
HAVE FUN + BE SAFE! Fireworks are fun, but you need to be smart and safe with them!
#CS #huntsvillealabama #4thofJuly #fireworks #independenceday #fireworksafety