5 Haunted attractions around Huntsville you need to check out this Halloween season

👻 It's time for haunted attractions! Try one of these in + around Huntsville. 👇
#huntsvilleal #huntsvillealabama
General info, tips, hacks, etc
👻 It's time for haunted attractions! Try one of these in + around Huntsville. 👇
#huntsvilleal #huntsvillealabama
HELP THE ANIMALS! Huntsville Animal Services says the homeless animal population locally is getting worse.
#MS #SpayandNeuter #AnimalServices #huntsville
CONSTRUCTION PERMITS: There were five new million-dollar-plus permits issued in the Huntsville area this past week.
#MS #HuntsvilleAL #construction #permits
JOB SEEKERS: Check out more than 14,000 open positions in the Huntsville area!
#MS #UAH #HuntsvilleHospital #Deloitte #Crestwood
LOW TICKET ALERT! Stevie Nicks tickets at the Orion are getting expensive!
#MS #StevieNicks #Orion #HuntsvilleAL
CONGRATS! The Huntsville High School band will perform in the New YEar's Day Parade in London in 2024!
#MS #HuntsvilleHigh #MarchingPantherBand #HHS
🚀 OCTOBER EVENTS: Your guide to Huntsville October events has arrived! 👇
#huntsvilleal #huntsvilleevents
NEW BOARD CHAIR: The Alabama Commission on Higher Education has chosen Miranda Bourdin-Frost as its new chair.
#MS #AAMU #ACHE #huntsvilleAL
WEEKEND!! See what all is happening in and around Huntsville this weekend!@
#MS #AAMU #Madison #Huntsville #LiveMusic
🎃 PUMPKIN PATCHES! Check out these awesome pumpkin patches and farms in North Alabama!
#MS #pumpkinpatch #halloween #northalabama