New project at Madison County Executive Airport

🚧 NEW CONSTRUCTION: A new building permit was issued for a project at Madison County Executive Airport.
#huntsvillealabama #executive airport #newconstruction
🚧 NEW CONSTRUCTION: A new building permit was issued for a project at Madison County Executive Airport.
#huntsvillealabama #executive airport #newconstruction
🏢 NEW CITY HALL! Departments will start moving in to the new building soon!
#huntsvillealabama #cityhall #newconstruction
🚧 NEW CONSTRUCTION! Check out these new building permits in North Alabama!
#newconstruction #buildingpermits #construction
🌳 BIG SPRING EXPANSION: A design contract has been approved by the city for an expansion of Big Spring Park into the site of the old city hall.
Click to see what you can expect from the new section of park 👇
#HuntsvilleAlabama #BigSpringPark
đźš´ DECATUR TRAIL GRANT! A new $18.4 million grant has been secured for a trail along Decatur's riverfront.
#decaturalabama #singingrivertrail #oldtowndecatur
🧦 NEW TJ MAXX: A new TJ Maxx store is opening soon in Athens, and currently looking to fill several positions.
#athensalabama #tjmaxx #noonathens
👷‍♂️ SKYBRIDGE UPDATE: Here's the latest on Huntsville's "skybridge" project.
#huntsvillealabama #skybridge #newconstruction
🚧 NORTH ALABAMA CONSTRUCTION: 7 new building permits were issued for high-dollar projects here in North Alabama.
#huntsvillealabama #newconstruction #buildingpermits
🚜 WOMEN IN CONSTRUCTION: We interviewed three employees at Doster Construction Company for Women in Construction week 👷‍♀️ Check it out 👇
BlastPartner #womeninconstruction #huntsvilleal
đź›’ COSTCO IN MADISON! A new Costco is coming to Madison near Clift Farm!
#madisonalabama #costco #traffic