TVA to return remains of more than 4,500 Native Americans

NATIVE AMERICAN REMAINS: The TVA plans to return the remains of nearly 5,000 Native Americans.
#MS #TVA #nativeamericans #alabama
General info, tips, hacks, etc
NATIVE AMERICAN REMAINS: The TVA plans to return the remains of nearly 5,000 Native Americans.
#MS #TVA #nativeamericans #alabama
JOBS IN HUNTSVILLE! Check out nearly 14,000 jobs posted in the Huntsville area this week!
#MS #jobs #huntsvillealabama
STREET REPAIR: Which Huntsville streets are getting repaved this year? Here's the list!
#MS #huntsvillealabama #streets #roadwork
1975 STATE CHAMPS HONORED: A new documentary by Keith Dunnavant features the 1975 Athens High School football team.
#MS #athensalabama #football
EASTER EGG HUNTING! If you are looking for an Easter egg hunt in the Rocket City, there are plenty to choose from!
#MS #easteregghunt #huntsvillealabama
WEEKEND TIME! Check out what's happening in Huntsville this weekend!
#MS #huntsvillealabama #huntsvillehavoc #AAMU
HONORING FALLEN OFFICER: A fund has been set up in honor of fallen police officer Garrett Crumby.
#MS #huntsvillePD #huntsvillealabama
PRO SPORTS IN HUNTSVILLE: Here's a little history lesson on pro sports in the Rocket City!
#MS #huntsvillealabama #prosports #baseball #hockey
RISING GAS PRICES: They aren't as bad as last year, but gas prices are creeping up this week!
#MS #gasprices #huntsvillealabama #gasbuddy
NEW BUILDING PERMITS: See what new construction projects are happening in and around Huntsville!
#MS #MidCity #huntsville #welloryliving #construction