New sidewalks in Huntsville — here’s what’s happening

NEW SIDEWALKS! There's about to be 3 miles of new sidewalks in Huntsville!
#MS #sidewalks #huntsvillealabama #citycouncil
General info, tips, hacks, etc
NEW SIDEWALKS! There's about to be 3 miles of new sidewalks in Huntsville!
#MS #sidewalks #huntsvillealabama #citycouncil
CONCERTS IN THE ROCKET CITY: Check out these spring and summer concerts in Huntsville!
#MS #huntsvillealabama #orion #vonbraun
NOW HIRING! There are more than 13,000 jobs open in Huntsville right now!
#MS #jobs #huntsvillealabama #hiring
BATTLE SPEAKS OUT: Mayor Battle responded to a WaPo column opposing the Space Command HQ's move to Huntsville.
#MS #huntsvillealabama #spacecommand #biden
BIG NEWS: Hays Farm Central Park's plans were approved by the city this week!
#MS #huntsvilleAL #haysfarm
SPRING TREE PLANTING DAY: Come out and help Mayor Battle plant trees at John Hunt Park!
#MS #huntsvilleAL #springtreeplantingday #trees
FUN IN THE ROCKET CITY! There's plenty to do in Huntsville this weekend!
#MS #hockey #baseball #huntsvilleAL
DINNER WITH THE TRASH PANDAS! Get your tickets now for the Meet the Team Dinner!
#MS #TrashPandas #baseball #toyotafield
MORE CONSTRUCTION: Check out these multi-million-dollar projects that received permits this week...
#MS #huntsvilleal #buildingpermits #construction
WORKING REMOTELY: The trend is nationwide, and Madison County residents have embraced it.
#MS #workfromhome #madisoncountyal #huntsvilleal