8 Huntsville businesses we said goodbye to this year

😢 SAYING GOODBYE: 2022 was a big year for new businesses in Huntsville, but we also had to wish some farewell. 👋 Here are eight businesses we'll be missing in 2023.👇
#huntsville #huntsvilleal
😢 SAYING GOODBYE: 2022 was a big year for new businesses in Huntsville, but we also had to wish some farewell. 👋 Here are eight businesses we'll be missing in 2023.👇
#huntsville #huntsvilleal
🤯 BIGGEST OPENINGS OF THE YEAR: Huntsville's seen some of the best eateries, shops and entertainment options open up in 2022. 😍 Here's a recap—you don't want to miss a single one of these. 👇
#huntsville #huntsvilleal #yearinreview
🪩 NEW YEAR'S DAY EATS: These 8 Huntsville-area restaurants are open on New Year's Day, so you can kick 2023 off with a delicious start. 😋
#huntsville #huntsvilleal #newyearsday
😢BIG OH'S CLOSING: Northside Square is losing some of its flavor at the end of the this month. Find out when your last chances are to get Big Oh's Korean fusion cuisine. 👇
#huntsville #huntsvilleal #bigohs
💥 OPENING THIS WEEKEND: We've got 2 spots you can visit this weekend + 1 coming next year 👇
#hvilleblast #huntsvilleopenings #huntsvilleal
💥MR. POBOY IS BACK: The New Orleans-esque restaurant in the little town of Gurley 20 minutes east of Huntsville has re-opened. Check out what the new and improved Mr. PoBoy is like. 👇
#huntsville #huntsvilleal #gurley #mrpoboy
✨COMING SOON TO CLIFT FARM: Clift Farm in Madison already has some great restaurants, but there's 7 more coming! Check them out. 👇
#huntsville #huntsvilleal #cliftfarm
🦫 BUC-EE'S ATHENS OPEN NOW: Here's what you'll find inside! 💥
#huntsvilleal #bucees #northalabama
✨ 2023 AT THE ORION: It may be Winter Wonderland time at the Orion, but they're already planning for another knockout year of music. Here's what's on the 2023 concert lineup so far. 👇
NEW FURNITURE FACTORY! A second Furniture Factory Bar & Grill opened Wednesday at the Village of Providence!
#MS #FurnitureFactory #VillageofProvidence #huntsvilleAL