Job seekers—15K jobs available in the Huntsville area

JOB SEEKING IN HUNTSVILLE: There are more than 15k jobs available in the Rocket City!
#MS #jobs #huntsvillealabama #northalabama #jobopenings
General info, tips, hacks, etc
JOB SEEKING IN HUNTSVILLE: There are more than 15k jobs available in the Rocket City!
#MS #jobs #huntsvillealabama #northalabama #jobopenings
🧋 LEAFLY BOBA BAR: Get an inside look at Leafly, from how they started to what they have planned for the future!
#leaflybobabar #boba #smallbusiness #huntsvillealabama #huntsvilleal #CV
NEW UNA STADIUM!!! Plans are underway for a new on-campus stadium at the University of North Alabama.
#MS #UNA #BankIndependent #UNALions
CRUISE STOP IN DECATUR? Yep! American Cruise Line has made Decatur a stop on its river cruises.
#MS #rivercruise #decaturalabama #northalabama #tennesseeriver
SPACE COMMAND HQ NEWS: Alabama lawmakers say Huntsville remains the preferred choice for the SPACECOM HQ.
#MS #military #huntsvillealabama #USSPACECOM #USAF
SUPERINTENDENT FINALISTS: 3 candidates were interviewed Thursday for the HCS superintendent's position.
#MS #huntsvillealabama #HCS #superintendent
YARD/ESTATE SALES: There are a BUNCH of yard sales in the Huntsville area this weekend!
#MS #yardsales #huntsvillealabama #madisonalabama #estatesales
SNOOP DOGG!!!! The legendary hip-hop icon is coming to Huntsville!!
#MS #SnoopDogg #huntsvillealabama #orionamphitheater #warrenG #wizkhalifa
BREAKING GROUND! Creekstone Academy broke ground on its new Madison location recently!
#MS #creekstoneacademy #madisonalabama #preschool #childcare
NEW CONSTRUCTION IN HUNTSVILLE AREA: Here's where these new projects in North Alabama are located.
#MS #huntsvillealabama #newconstruction #apartments #buildingpermits #alabama